Co-operatives Fortnight
Back in 1844 a group of workers called the Rochdale Pioneers joined together and established a Society which charged not to capitalise on profit, but to credit each member with their share of the profits in precise proportion to the purchases in store.
Here in the Channel Islands we are extremely proud of our co-operative heritage and the principles behind the Rochdale Society remain with us today. What makes co-operatives unique is that we are run not by investors or distant shareholders, but by our members. That’s people like you and me.
And we are not alone. There are nearly 7,000 independent co-operatives across the UK, ranging from multi-billion pound businesses to small community enterprises, owned by an incredible 13.6 million people.
Every year the network of Britain’s co-operative businesses come together to share their stories and celebrate their successes during Co-operative Fortnight, 17 June to 1 July.
The network for Britain's thousands of co-operatives, Co‑operatives UK works to promote, develop and unite member-owned businesses worth £34 billion to the British economy.
A whole host of organisations are celebrating their stories of co-operation already so, why not take a look at:
Working together really does make a difference.